What is the life of a 10 year old in India

What is the life of a 10 year old in India

So all of this is my opinion and don't criticize me as I am 11 years old so I am allowed to say almost anything about them that is a fact so let us get on with it

First thing in the morning we brush and take a shower watch the tv to see if it is a holiday if not we get ready for school and get scolded by our mom because we don't want to go to school and go to school this doesn't happen to some people if they are good kids.

After getting to school we sometimes forget our homework or didn't do it so we give excuses plus if you're from India this definitely applies to you and then after that in our snacks time we just goof around and sometimes go to the canteen

After the snacks period, we just read or study nothing special, and during the lunch break it is a nightmare if you bring some good food everyone will start to crowd  around you and will take all your lunch without letting you eat

Now there are only a few periods left so we just wait for the bell to ring and it is soooooooo l-o-n-g for the periods to get over after they are over we will be so happy and we will play until the prayer(which we also do in the morning but there are also many other things that will happen at that time which telling to you won't be interesting so I didn't include it)

after that, we get home and eat some food if we are still hungry sleep or stay awake and do something after that we study some people will do tuition to get help with their homework because their parents are probably busy or they didn't go to school

After that, we will eat our dinner mostly at our home or go out to an restaurant and we will beg our mom to put leave the next day then everything is back in a loop except for holidays which are very different from these

I just want to tell you again this is my opinion and if you have any contradictions then that is okay

    I hope you like what i did with this post

Thank you

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