


Cryptocurrency everyone has been talking about it but what is it?

Cryptocurrency is virtual money so let's go back in time, the first gen 1 every traded stuff like 5 apples for 5 oranges but they realized that the trade was not fair so 2 gen we used paper money 3 gen is when things got modern we used credit cards gen 4 this is cryptocurrency money that has no form so let's take it like this

this is you bank account and amazon's when you buy anything for 5 dollars the money will be sent to amazon's bank account it will have separate chart

This is crypto's chart the transaction is only on one chart if you send someone money in crypto it will say your name and the how much money you send right below that is the person that you are sending the money to because of this it is very hard to hack it if you hack into someone's account and send you money it is not gonna work because there is a million other accounts that is going fine the chart's are not gonna match so it will fix the chart to how the other chart's are.

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